A simulation of what really happens in your body when your vape has revealed just how harmful it can be.It’s taken a while, but it looks like more people are becoming aware of how bad vaping can be for you, with authorities around the world putting measures in place to stop the epidemic from getting any further out of hand.
Keir Starmer and the UK government have vowed to ban cigarettes for all of those born in 2009 or after, and restrict the way that vapes are sold in shops to stop children from getting their hands on it.
When the juice is drawn out of the cartridge by the heating element, it is vapourised and inhaled like cigarette smoke, though usually a lot sweeter.Initially thought to be a ‘healthier’ alternative to smoking a ciggy, it turns out that there’s a lot to worry about when it comes to sucking on the battery powered machines.
It’s become a massive problem as back in 2019, the United States had an outbreak of over 1600 cases of unexplained lung injury, with 34 being fatal, and 92 percent of patients admitted that they had used black-market THC vape cartridges. Read more below