Parents were caught off-guard when a group of Texas State Troopers showed up at a children’s baseball game. However, as soon as they saw the sign, they realized what they were about to do.

When a group of Texas State Troopers unexpectedly pulled up to a children’s baseball game, parents were confused. (Photo Credit: Twitter)
After a little league baseball game had begun, fans looked across the field to see more than a dozen Texas State Troopers approaching. Decked out in their uniforms and fully armed, the officers walked up to the fence surrounding the diamond and leaned against it, lining the edge with a row of tan cowboy hats.
Normally, a mass of armed law enforcement officers would cause any citizen concern. However, once confused spectators saw the sign bordering the outfield, they immediately knew why the troopers were there.

More than a dozen uniformed and armed Texas State Troopers lined the fence. (Photo Credit: Twitter)
The troopers had shown up to support one little boy whose dad couldn’t make it due to a tragic incident. Texas State Trooper Juan Rojas Tovar was shot 13 times while trying to apprehend a mass shooter. Although he had successfully fought for his life in the hospital, he was still in recovery when his son’s game was scheduled.
In place of their colleague, more than a dozen troopers showed up in force to watch his son’s baseball game and cheer on the little boy. As a show of support, “Pray for Tovar” was spelled out on the chain-link fence with red plastic cups.

The troopers attended the game in place of Texas State Trooper Juan Rojas Tovar, who had been shot 13 times while pursuing a mass shooter. (Photo Credit: Texas Department of Public Safety)
Since Texas State Trooper Juan Rojas Tovar had to miss his son’s game, his colleagues attended in his stead. (Photo Credit: Twitter)
Larry Winston Bollin, 27, was charged with murder and attempted capital murder after he opened fire on his coworkers at the Kent Moore Cabinets manufacturing facility in Bryan, KBTX reports. He killed one man and injured Trooper Tovar and three others. The officer sustained over a dozen gunshot wounds, including several to his face, while pursuing Bollin.

The Bryan Police Department confirmed that Timothy Smith, 40, was killed in the shooting. Two victims were in stable condition before being released from the hospital but Tovar and another civilian were left in critical condition.