An Iowa man had been frequenting a local Walmart and observed a rather odd vehicle that had been lurking in the parking lot every time he went shopping. Finally, he decided that he was going to check it out, and he was stunned when he looked inside.
Jake Holloway had been shopping at the Walmart and Target stores in Altoona over the course of a few weeks, and every time he went, he noticed the same silver Jeep Wrangler in their parking lots. One day, he spotted a sticker in the back window of the vehicle, and it compelled him to finally go take a closer look and have a talk with the driver.
When Jake realized everything that had been going on, it didn’t sit well with him at all. Apparently, the sticker in the vehicle’s window was an “I Served” in Iraq decal, so Jake decided he needed to check into this situation further.
“I don’t know this guy from Adam, and I don’t know his whole story,” Jake said. “There’s been a silver Jeep Wrangler in the Walmart and Target parking lot in Altoona for the last few weeks. It moves from time to time back and forth. I noticed an ‘I served’ Iraq sticker in the back window, and I finally got the nerve to stop.”
Jake ended up talking with the vehicle’s occupant, whose name is Nick, and he learned that he’s been going through some pretty tough times ever since leaving the military. Nick’s wife left him when he returned home from duty, and all that he had to his name was his Jeep and his loyal friend – a boxer dog.