When baby Redd was born in 2012, his mom and dad, Patricia and Dale Williams, were overjoyed. At the same time, they knew their bundle of joy was different than most babies they have seen. Redd’s hair was as white as snow, and he looked adorable beyond words. However, when he turned around two months old, they noticed that his eyes would constantly move side to side.
The first thing they did was making an appointment with an optometrist and genetic specialists to help with an official diagnosis. And, it was soon made official; Redd had Oculocutaneous Albinism Type one (OCA1) a condition which affects 1 in 17,000 people globally.
When Redd was born, the hospital staff were excited over his looks and everyone wanted to see the baby with the white hair. Patricia believed that Redd would overgrow this and that his hair would turn darker over time, but now that he was diagnosed with albinism, she knew that his white hair and blue eyes which would sometimes sparkle red in certain lights were there to stay.
Patricia also did in her power to teach her children to accept their looks and learn how to love themselves the way they are, but then something that disturbed them happened. Someone used a photo of Rockwell that Patricia shared on her social media and turned it into a meme. The parents asked for it to be deleted, but its was already shared all over the internet.Read more below