Released in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was Disney’s first full-length animated film and has become a childhood classic for many. The movie, inspired by the Brothers Grimm’s German fairytale, tells the story of a princess who befriends seven dwarfs after being exiled by her wicked stepmother.
While the United States Library of Congress has recognized the film as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant,” according to the Los Angeles Times, some modern audiences feel it’s time for an update.
Several Disney films that once brought joy to many are now being looked at in a much darker light, with one person tweeting: “As a kid, I never knew how dark and sinister some scenes were.”
Another X (formerly Twitter) user tweets: “You ever go back and watch some of the Disney animated movies that came out when we were kids and realized how damn dark and not really for kids they were?”