Trump Revives JFK Assassination Debate with New Remarks and Declassified FilesDecades after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, debate over the events of November 22, 1963, persists. Former President Donald Trump has reignited interest by releasing thousands of declassified documents and suggesting Oswald may not have acted alone,
New Revelations and TheoriesTrump recently discussed the case with OutKick’s Clay Travis, hinting at a broader conspiracy. His remarks fuel long-standing suspicions of deep state involvement.
Earlier this month, Trump authorized the release of over 2,000 pages of JFK-related files, adding to speculation. Among them, a CIA report questioned Oswald’s capability, and records revealed the Secret Service was warned of a threat months before the assassination.Who Killed JFK?
Oswald was arrested but shot two days later by Jack Ruby, leaving many questions unanswered. While official investigations upheld the lone gunman theory, theories persist, implicating the CIA, Cuban exiles, and the Mafia.The newly released files have intensified scrutiny, with some Americans accusing intelligence agencies of a cover-up. Others speculate that remaining classified documents hold deeper secrets.With Trump’s latest comments, the JFK assassination mystery remains in the spotlight, leaving Americans to question whether the full truth will ever be revealed. Read more below