“Breaking Bad” is a television series conceived and directed by Vince Gilligan and broadcast from 2008 to 2013. Considered by many as the series par excellence and as the best among all the others, characterized by unique characters and written in a way that is nothing short of brilliant, and which has left a great imprint on all those who have looked at it and who have been able to appreciate its greatness and depth.
Bryan Cranston cried after shooting the scene where Walter watches Jane die. The reason being in front of that image the face of his daughter appeared in his mind, causing him strong mixed feelings. It must not have been easy for Cranston to witness that heartbreaking scene of pure pain and cynicism. Seeing in the dying girl the body of her daughter who, however fictional it was, represented for Cranston an image of strong emotional impact.
Hank’s character had strong parallels to Ahab character from Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” novel. Ahab is obsessed with catching the great white whale. Hank is obsessed with capturing Heisenberg (Walter White), and refers to him as a “whale”. Ahab loses his leg and walks using a prosthesis. Hank temporarily loses the use of his legs during a shooting, and walks with a limp for a few months. Ahab is the captain of the ship. Hank becomes head of the Albuquerque DEA office. Ahab and Hank are both devastated by their search. Shortly before Ahab is killed he loses his prosthesis. Just before Hank is killed he is shot in the leg. Ahab’s body is abandoned in the vastness of the sea. Hank’s body is dumped in an unnamed tomb in the desert.
GPS coordinates N34 59 20 36 52 W106 where Walt hid the money, and where Hank and Gomez are buried, actually lead to the location of Albuquerque Studios. There will surely be someone who, moved by curiosity, will have gone to the place indicated by the coordinates, perhaps remaining disappointed.
Bryan Cranston had the initials “BR-BA” of the Breaking Bad logo tattooed on his ring finger of his right hand. This shows us how important the work on this series has been for Cranston, not only in terms of his career but also on an emotional level.
Jesse and Walt Jr. are the only recurring characters from season one that never cross paths with one another throughout the course of the show. Interestingly, Jesse meets and talks to virtually all the protagonists of the series and characters from Walt’s most intimate sphere, but never sees the person who is apparently the most important to him, his son.

It was Vince Gilligan’s decision to end the series with the fifth season. So as not to make the mistake of excessively prolonging the story. It was certainly a very important choice, and perhaps the right one for obtaining an excellent result. We know dozens of series that have gone on for too long and too many seasons, very often ending up in a situation of redundancy that makes the viewer lose interest.

The pseudonym for Saul Goodman is derived from the English phrase “it’s all good, man”.
It is interesting that the name of Saul’s character was not chosen by chance but to create an assonance with the aforementioned English phrase, which among other things also represents the spirit and ways of doing the character;

Sony and AMC had doubts to cast Bryan Cranston due to his previous comedy roles. John Cusack and Matthew Broderick were then approached about playing Walter White. When they both refused Vince Gilligan was allowed to hire Cranston. We can certainly consider it a great fortune the refusal of Cusack and Broderick, taking nothing away from their acting skills, because Cranston has truly given us a masterful interpretation, making everyone think again about his abilities and proving himself to be truly an actor of great depth, which up to that point. moment he had certainly not been given the consideration it deserves;
Bryan Cranston stated in an interview that the term “Breaking Bad” is a typical expression of the southern United States, and refers to someone who has taken a road that goes off the path on the right path. The decay could last for a short time or for the rest of life (as in this case).
Evidently the title holds much more meaning than it might seem, further characterizing the series;
Vince Gilligan personally chose Badfinger’s song “Baby Blue”, despite numerous objections from his music team, as the song to play during the final scene of the series. The song was purchased on iTunes by over 5,000 people on the night of the latest episode, and it hit the Billboard chart more than 40 years after its release.