Bus Driver Notices The Way Kids Are Treating Boy On Her Bus – Writes Letter To Their Parents That Goes Viral

Everyone knows that children can sometimes be cruel to someone who is simply a little bit different from them.

Children aren’t old enough to have a filter yet, and their blunt observations can sometimes tear down their peers in a heartbeat.

The actions and words of these children are often determined by the way that their parents have raised them at home.

Cindy Clausen is a bus driver who has seen children exhibiting all different kinds of behavior during her career. However, she was recently stunned when she saw two siblings doing something that was very out of the norm.

Another boy on the bus was disabled, and instead of bullying him like many children would, the brother and sister went out of their way to befriend him and make him feel included!

They specifically asked to sit next to him, and they took the time to help him on and off the bus.

Cindy knew immediately that the brother and sister, Annaliese and Jorge, were being raised right by their mother and father.

Cindy was so touched by the behavior that the children exhibited that she decided to write letter to their parents and send it home with them. The letter has since gone viral, and here’s what it said:

“I am compelled to write to tell you how beautiful your children are, inside and out! This can only come from the home, your patience and guidance, the examples that you set and teach.

I have a child on my bus named Jackson. Both of your children have showed him so much compassion and support. Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jackson. Some days Jackson is a little sad getting on the bus but as soon as he sees Annaliese and Jorge he smiles. Jackson has difficulties walking and it takes a bit for him to get to his seat.

Today Annaliese looked out from around her seat and said, ‘come on Jackson, you can do it” and when we arrived at school, Jackson took it upon himself to carry out his backpack!

I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows!”

Everyone knows that children can sometimes be cruel to someone who is simply a little bit different from them.

Children aren’t old enough to have a filter yet, and their blunt observations can sometimes tear down their peers in a heartbeat.

The actions and words of these children are often determined by the way that their parents have raised them at home.

Cindy Clausen is a bus driver who has seen children exhibiting all different kinds of behavior during her career. However, she was recently stunned when she saw two siblings doing something that was very out of the norm.

Another boy on the bus was disabled, and instead of bullying him like many children would, the brother and sister went out of their way to befriend him and make him feel included!

They specifically asked to sit next to him, and they took the time to help him on and off the bus.

Cindy knew immediately that the brother and sister, Annaliese and Jorge, were being raised right by their mother and father.

Cindy was so touched by the behavior that the children exhibited that she decided to write letter to their parents and send it home with them. The letter has since gone viral, and here’s what it said:

“I am compelled to write to tell you how beautiful your children are, inside and out! This can only come from the home, your patience and guidance, the examples that you set and teach.

I have a child on my bus named Jackson. Both of your children have showed him so much compassion and support. Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jackson. Some days Jackson is a little sad getting on the bus but as soon as he sees Annaliese and Jorge he smiles. Jackson has difficulties walking and it takes a bit for him to get to his seat.

Today Annaliese looked out from around her seat and said, ‘come on Jackson, you can do it” and when we arrived at school, Jackson took it upon himself to carry out his backpack!

I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows!”

Annaliese and Jorge’s parents were thrilled to read the letter, as it let them know that they are doing their job well at home! They could not been more proud of their kindhearted children!

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